615M Africans don’t have access to the healthcare products & services they need.*

We are on a mission to change that.

*Africa Health Agenda International Conference Commission report, “Executive Summary: The State of Universal Health Coverage in Africa”, (2021)

Our Mission

Improving Healthcare Penetration in Africa.

Empowering healthcare businesses with practical insights and scalable solutions to navigate and succeed within Africa's unique healthcare markets.

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Our Vision

The Beacon for African Healthcare Insights.

To be the leading source of comprehensive, reliable and actionable data & insights on the African Healthcare market.

Our Products

We want to redefine access to quality healthcare with local insights, regulatory and business support

Infinity Health

Our flagship product offering featuring local market data and local market insights, regulatory news, stats and charts, community library, archival reports, case studies and clinical papers.

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ONBOARD!® by Infinity Health

ONBOARD by Infinity Health caters to new and already existing healthcare and related businesses, guiding them through the proper framework for registration and expansion of their products and services across Africa, starting from Nigeria.

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AKSELLERATE!® by Infinity Health

Find the perfect sales strategy and partnerships for your healthcare organization to launch and scale across Africa with AKSELLERATE!®

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Our #1 priority is making data available for market penetration


Simplified, curated healthcare stats and charts, disease outcomes, guidelines, treatment costs, and real-time regulatory updates

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  • Convert primary data to case studies, intelligence reports, or research papers
  • Earn a commission on sale
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  • Order bespoke market research
  • Crowd-source data for specific projects
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Find and collaborate with stakeholders to generate, analyze, report, and publish healthcare research

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Black Woman Smiling and shaking a white man

Our Commitment to Transformation

By integrating our mission and vision into every strategy and decision, we're not just participating in Africa's healthcare journey—we're actively shaping it. Join us as we forge a healthier future for all.


Insightful Action

We distil complex data into clear, actionable strategies tailored for Africa's healthcare challenges.


Growth and Reach

We're committed to helping healthcare businesses expand their reach, ensuring quality healthcare is more accessible across the continent.


Local Expertise

Through education and collaboration, we build local expertise to sustainably advance healthcare systems in Africa.

We can help; let's work together

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Our team is composed of seasoned experts who are familiar with the industry and the challenges that healthcare organisations face. 

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We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to every project we undertake, and we are committed to providing clients with high-quality consulting services that are tailored to their specific needs. 

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Black man pressing his laptop